AKZN Notes

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Category: IT Stuff

MikroTik PPPoE Bandwidth Management with RADIUS

Step 1: Configure PPPoE Basic PPPoE Setup: Set up your PPPoE server as you normally would. Ensure that you have configured the necessary interfaces and settings. Step 2: RADIUS Configuration Add RADIUS Attributes: In your RADIUS server, add the reply attribute Mikrotik-Address-List. This attribute will automatically add the IP address of the client logging in […]

MikroTik Hotspot Bandwidth Management

Hotspot Configuration Basic Settings: Configure the hotspot settings as usual. RADIUS Configuration (if applicable): In the server profile, enable the "Use RADIUS" option. Create a user profile and specify values in incoming[up]/outgoing-mark[down], such as packet-mark-download. This will dynamically add a packet mark in Mangle. Mikrotik-Group Attribute: If your RADIUS server uses the "Mikrotik-Group" attribute, ensure […]

how to log mysql query that has long time to execute

To log slow-running MySQL queries, you can enable the Slow Query Log feature in MySQL. This log will record all queries that take longer than a specified amount of time to execute. Here’s how to set it up: Step 1: Enable Slow Query Logging To enable slow query logging, you need to modify the MySQL […]

How to pull new branch from github

To pull a new branch from GitHub, follow these steps using Git: 1. Fetch the new branch from the remote repository: Run the following command to fetch all branches from the remote repository. This will not switch to the branch yet, but it will download the branch references. git fetch origin 2. List all branches […]

Setting WDS Openwrt

problems saat ubah network interface lan, perubahan subnet kadang bikin harus reboot dulu baru kedetek cara : set firewall zone to lan set wireless > edit > interface or something, from wwan to lan Allow Luci accessed via [wan/bridged] MIKROTIK HOTSPOT i add bracket [wan] to point out that i want to access luci via […]

Batch Rename Images Using Windows PowerShell

.JPG to .jpg To rename all .JPG files to .jpg in a directory using PowerShell, follow these steps: Open PowerShell. Navigate to the folder containing the .JPG files using the cd command. Run the following command: Get-ChildItem -Filter *.JPG | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name.ToLower() } This command will find all files with the .JPG extension […]

Setting Fiberhome hg6145d2 Bridge

Setting Up FiberHome HG6145D2 as a Bridge with IndiHome Firmware The FiberHome HG6145D2 modem with IndiHome firmware does not have a manual bridge mode setting. However, it can still be used as a bridge by default. When tested, DHCP did not work through the Ethernet port, but WiFi functioned normally. Default Credentials Location: On the […]

HTTP Basic Authentication to secure phpMyAdmin

HTTP Authentication is a method of securing web resources by requiring users to provide valid credentials before accessing them. It operates at the HTTP protocol level and can be implemented using several authentication schemes. One common method for HTTP Authentication is Basic Authentication, which prompts users to enter their username and password in a dialog […]

Configure Two ISP on Mikrotik using VLAN with Openwrt

Why ? I want to load balance on Openwrt Openclash OPENWRT on STB has only one RJ45 port Mikrotik has multiple port, so we can use vlan to route two ISP into Openwrt Mikrotik Setting Based on my current configuration, I use Ether1 as WAN2 and Ether2 as WAN1 Make sure we already setting ip> […]

Importing MySQL Gzipped Dump File via Terminal

Importing MySQL Gzipped Dump File via Terminal When dealing with MySQL databases, it’s common to export and import data for various reasons, such as backups or transferring data between environments. In this concise guide, we’ll focus on importing a gzipped MySQL dump file using the terminal on a system running Ubuntu. Step 1: Navigate to […]