AKZN Notes

Archives for My Lazy and Forgetful Mind

Category: OPENVPN

Limit OpenVPN Client Bandwidth

How to Limit Client Bandwidth in OpenVPN OpenVPN is a popular open-source VPN protocol that allows users to connect securely to a remote network. While OpenVPN is designed to provide fast and reliable connectivity, it can be useful to limit client bandwidth to prevent congestion and ensure fair usage for all users. There are two […]

OpenVPN for Docker

This notes are taken from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kylemanna/docker-openvpn/master/README.md. Edited to added some notes to make it easier for me to read and install on the near future OpenVPN server in a Docker container complete with an EasyRSA PKI CA. Extensively tested on Digital Ocean $5/mo node and has a corresponding Digital Ocean Community Tutorial. Installation Upstream Links […]

OpenVPN Client to Client Connection Configuration

follow this tutorial https://openvpn.net/community-resources/how-to/#scope dont forget to do step below how to add route (not persistent) on ubuntu example sudo ip route add via # Specific route sudo ip route add default via # Default route (gw) how to add persistent route on ubuntu modify the /etc/network/interfaces file. $ sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces […]


install VPN monitoring tools to read : https://kifarunix.com/how-to-monitor-openvpn-connections-using-openvpn-monitor-tool/ If you only need a simple OpenVPN configuration, you only need to do step 1 Install OpenVPN on NAT IPv4 VPS Installation two way of installation Install without Docker 1) Make sure that tun/tap is enabled on your vps. Enable TUN/TAP via SolusVM control panel if present […]